Sunday, 27 February 2011

Audience Feedback

1. What do you like about the Front Cover?

2. Do the cover lines on the Front Cover grab your Attention?

3. What do you think of the Colour Scheme?

4. Does the main image connote the Genre of Rock? Would could be improved?

5. What are some of the things you Like/Dislike about the layout and contents of the Magazine?

6. Do you like the layout of the Contents page? What could be Improved?

7. Is the price of the magazine suitable for some of the content it offers the readers?

8. Is the variety of content/images wide eonugh?

9. What magazines is it similar to and is most likely to compete with in the market?

10. How do you think this contents page compares to other leading magazines?

11. What is your opinion of the layout of the Double Page Spread?

12. What would you rather a Double page Spread was about? Or do you like the Gig Review idea?

13. Is there a wide enough variety of images used?

14. Would the first edition make you want to buy the next issue/have an annual subscription?

15. Any other comments overall about the magazine?