- Heading
- Font Size
- Drop Cap
- Drop Quote
- Strap Line
- ByLine
- Main Image
- Name Of Magazine In Corner
- Stand First
- Columns
Font Size - Usually between 9-12 for the text. Heading much larger.
Drop Cap - First letter of main article text. Produced using Quark
Drop Quote - Qoute in the middle of the article taken from the article itself. Large font.
Strap Line - At top of page
ByLine - Almost like Credits from a film. Names of Interviewer and Photographer
Main Image - This links directly to text on that page. Can be Background/On Background
Name Of Magazine In Corner - Next to page number, Magazine title also there
Stand Firsts - Stands alone underneath title and sums up whole article. Larger Font and Darker Background
Columns - Text written in columns