Positioning Statement: Your Ultimate Rock Guide!
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Price: £3.00
Distribution: Newsagents, Supermarkets, Media Stores (HMV, GAME etc.)
Arenas (M.E.N, Liverpool Echo etc.)
Rationale: This magazine is to inform people about the latest music in the pop/rock
genre. Including Interviews with big bands, Upcoming Bands, Information to do with
tour dates, gig reviews and album reviews.
Style: Informal, friendly to the readers. Relates back to the audience and has plenty of
feedback from the with regards to what they want to see in the magazine and their views
of what they think of things (such as gigs in local area and new albums)
Regular Content
Editors Letter
Album Reviews
New Releases
Gigs in Each area of Country
Gig Reviews
Free Posters
Preview of Next Issues front cover
Promotional Details for Magazine (e.g T-Shirts, Accessories etc.)
Feature Content
Some of the Content that could appear in the Magazine as a one off
Exclusive Interview with big band
Lost Prophets - Our Story
My Chemical Romance - What turned their lives around
Paramore - The Best Gig - Ever!
Interview with one of the worlds leading Rockstars
Motorhead - 35 Years and still going Strong!
House Style
Cover Lines: Arial Black and Arial
Headlines: Rockwell
Standfirst: Rockwell
Captions: Rockwell 14pt. Byline to be included in Standfirst
Features First Paragraph: drop capital Times New Roman, 5 lines deep,
only drop cap in Capital.
News First Paragraph: First sentence in Bold Capitals
Body Text: Times New Roman 10pt
Colour Scheme: Red, Black, Yellow, White