Wednesday, 29 September 2010

My Camera Shots for Magazine

Today we were told to get some ideas for the images we were going to use for our Magazine Cover and Contents Page. These are the Images i took and may or may not use for my Cover and Contents Page.

Image of the New Uniform in Medium Close up
Could use for Contents Page

Medium Long shot of new Uniform
Could be used for Contents Page

Image of Somebody working in Ice Radio
The Local School Radio Station

Main Image for Front Cover!
Medium Close Up of a pupil in the New School Uniform

Another Image of the student but this time a Medium Long shot
Could be used for Contents Page

The Ice Radio Equipment

This image of an Apple can be used on my Contents page
for my Featured Article about Healthy Eating

All of these images will be considered for use in my Contents and Front Cover pages. Some may be edited so that the background is different, but due to the small amount of time allocated for the Preliminary work to be done, this might not be done.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Preliminary Work

For our Preliminary Work, we have been asked to create a School Magazine. This school magazine will include a Front Cover and a Contents page. Both pages must follow the Codes and Conventions of a Magazine Article.

Front Cover

Plan #1 For Front Cover

Plan #2 For Front cover

Title: WeatherCap

Slogan: That's What i Go To School For (Taken from the Song by Busted) (Placed Underneath title)

Main Image and Story: A Medium Close Up Image of a student presenting the new Uniform introduced this year (Main Story) Image will be of a student standing against a plain background slightly turned to the right representing how the uniform has changed. Main story would include what older students (Such as year 11's and 10's) think about the new uniform. Other images that can easily be taken around the school will be used for the other features.

Cover Lines for Front Page: "How To Keep Fit and Healthy" "Exam Results!" "U-New-Form" "Year 7's Settling in"

Contents Page

Plan #1 For Contents Page

Regular Content: Advice Column, Film Reviews, Newest Music (i.e. Top 40 Singles Charts and Top 20 Albums), General Weekly News, Preview of Tv that week, Sports Pages

10 Features of magazine for Issue #1:
  1. New Uniform
  2. Eating Healthy
  3. Year 7's settling in to their new environment,
  4. Year 12's from different school's settling in,
  5. Exam Results and Where Year 13's went
  6. Exclusive interview with Mr.Dyment
  7. Introduction to New staff
  8. The New Layout of the School - Whats Changed?
  9. 20 questions with Your Head of Year!
  10. Farewells to Staff who Left over the Summer
  • Picture of uniform in Main Reception for Main Article
  • Take image of Mr.Dyment from school website for his article
  • Poster of latest film for film reviews
  • Map of the School
  • Image of an Apple

Camera Angle Images

Extreme Close Up of Someone in Nature

Mid Long 2 Shot

Low Angle Mid Shot Titled Frame

Extreme Long Shot connoting Friendship

Medium Close Over the Shoulder Shot

Close Up Connoting Stress

Big Close Up of Somebody using a Mobile Phone

Friday, 24 September 2010

Different Camera Angles

Today we were taught about all different Camera angles available too a Photographer. The angles include:
  • Extreme Close Up
  • Big Close Up
  • Close Up
  • Medium Close up
  • Mid Shot
  • Medium Long Shot
  • Long Shot
  • Very Long Shot
  • Low Angle
  • High Angle
  • Two Shot
  • Tilted Frame
  • Over The Shoulder Shot

Extreme Close Up - This tend to focus on one particular feature of the face (mainly the Eye/s)

Close Up - This shows very little background, and concentrates on either a face, or a specific detail of mise en scène

Mid Shot - Contains a figure from the knees/waist up and is normally used for dialogue scenes, or to show some detail of action

Two/Three Shot - Usually a Mid Shot containing 2/3 people. Anymore and the shot normally becomes a Long Shot

Over The Shoulder - A Mid Shot positions the camera behind one figure, revealing the other figure, and part of the first figure's back, head and shoulder

Long Shot - includes the FULL SHOT showing the entire human body, with the head near the top of the frame and the feet near the bottom

Very Long Shot - Shot from a very far distance! Little detail is visible, usually used as a scene opener or to show a large crowd of people at a concert (Could be used for Magazine double spread?)

Low Angle - The Camera is positioned towards the floor looking up at person, tends to give people more height, and give a sense of speeded motion to a picture

High Angle - Camera positioned above image to make it seem smaller and perhaps less important

Tilt Angle - Camera is positioned at a slight angle for some desired effect

When thinking which camera angle to use for my photography, I must also consider Mis en Scéne (everything in the shot). This is very important when considering which shot to use for my front cover and double page spread of my final magazine article. If i chose the wrong type of image, it could reflect the wrong sense of what i wanted to put across as a point.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Codes and Conventions of Magazine's

Codes and Conventions of a Front Page

All Magazine Covers must have:
  • Masthead
  • Central Image
  • Bar Code/Price
  • Sub Headings
  • Buzz Words
  • Slogans
  • Issue Number & Date
  • Cover Lines
  • Tag Lines - Usually placed Above Title

Big bold writing - New typography used. Must be Eye Catching to get customers attention. Unique brand name never seen before

The price of the magazine can reflect the content inside i.e. big unique content = higher price, Normal less important content - lower price. Can also be based upon Production value, high class Magazines such as OK, Heat etc. tend to be higher priced as their top brand magazines.

Central Image
Largest image on front screen (If image is looking at Audience, this is known as Direct Mode of Address.) This image is usually a medium close up depending on style of magazine. Main image can conote some of the content inside. Can also be male or female but Indie magazines tend to feature more Male stars.

Cover Lines
Lines of text usually used too preview some of features inside magazine

Issue Number
Shows how many have been sold and how successful the magazine is - Popularity factor

Bar Code
Technical way of selling

Usually small insight to how explicit some of the content inside is

Colour of masthead stays constant throughout, shows attitude and possibly style of some content inside

Codes and Conventions of Contents Page of a Magazine

Codes and Conventions of a Contents Page:
  • Main Image - Usually related too Main Story (Double page spread)
  • Cover Lines
  • Small Text
  • Page numbers on illustrations
  • Subheadings with page numbers
  • Numbers not usually shown in Chronological Order
  • Split into Coloumns
  • Typography usually no bigger than 11 point